We started to sing this in church a few years ago when I was singing on the praise team. The lyrics stuck with me as we sang it week after week but I haven't thought about them lately until this weekend when the were placed in my heart again. The lyrics are comforting, permission for stillness in a busy world.
"Oh Lord, You've searched me, You know my way.
Even when I fail You, I know You love me."
"Your holy presence, surrounding me.
In every season, I know you love me, I know you love me."
"At the cross I bow my knee, where Your blood was shed for me.
There's no greater love than this. You have overcome the grave,
Your glory fills the highest place, what can separate us now?"
"You go before me, You shield my way.
Your hand upholds me, I know You love me."
"You tore the veil, You made a way, when you said that IT IS DONE!"
"And when the earth fades, falls from my eyes,
And You stand before me, I know You love me, I know You love me."
The bolded lyrics really stand out to me. They tell a story of acceptance, commitment, protection, and unconditional love. That God knows my every move, and yet He still loves me. We strive so hard to get acceptance from other people, which is normal. As humans we all want to be accepted. But no one in this world knows our every move, our every action, our every thought. God knows EVERYTHING and I can still be assured that He loves me. Despite my failures. Despite my mistakes.
We transition through life seasons. Emotional seasons such as excitement, joy, sadness, grief, boredom and seasons of life like childhood, adolescence, college, young adulthood, child-bearing and child-rearing, empty nest, retirement. Through every season God loves us. Empathizes with us and never leaves us. Nothing separates us. Nothing.
He goes before us, so there is no reason to ever live in fear. He is our Shield!
And the three words that get me most: He said that "IT IS DONE." No more striving. We are free to receive grace and live in peace. It brings to mind the word complete.
This Easter I hope you rest in the assurance of God's Love, Protection, Completeness, and Peace.