Sunday, September 8, 2013

Things I Learned in August

I can't believe it's September already! But here are some reflections from August. The idea from this post came from Emily Freeman- hop over to her blog to read what she and others learned in August!

.    The bubble umbrella is an amazing invention. After three years of college, and probably three umbrellas, I have realized that they don’t work for me right now. I recently purchased a bubble umbrella from Target and it works like a charm! It doesn’t catch the wind, and not only does it keep me dry, it covers my backpack, too!

from Target!

2.    I am very much a morning person. I don’t have class until 10 a.m. But instead of sleeping in, I still set my alarm for 6 a.m. Yes, sometimes “snooze” wins, but for the most part, I get up and accomplish the most between 6 and 9 a.m. Not the typical college schedule, but it works for me.

3.    There are a LOT of movies I haven’t seen. With one of my roommates came two whole bookshelves of DVDs… The majority of which I have not seen. So far I have watched The Backup Plan, Post Grad, and Silver Linings Playbook. Three down, hundreds to go.

4.    When I don’t have the Internet, there are PLENTY of other things I enjoy to fill my time. My roommates and I were without Wi-Fi for several days. I read, and cooked, and crafted. It was a nice break. However, I must say, that once classes start, Internet access is pretty much essential for college.

5.    It’s okay to change your mind. I don’t have much to say about this except that I changed my plan in terms of part-time employment this semester and the world didn’t end. It’s okay to change your plan. It isn’t my plan anyway… It’s His.
One of my new favorite reminders! (source)
6.    The freezer is an incredible invention and is saving me from wasting a lot of food. I live with four other girls, but we all cook our own meals. There are certain things I like to have on hand but I don’t eat them quickly enough. Sometimes meat goes bad faster than I eat it. I like to cook extra grains to have ready for a quick meal. So lately I have been freezing meat. And grains. And fruit. And veggies. And it’s so nice to know that I am not wasting them!

7.    Crayola created a crayon called “courage.” It’s in the red family and they made it for the St. Jude’s Special Edition box. I think the name is awesome. Patients, doctors, nurses, and parents certainly all have courage.

"I was used in the St. Jude's Special Edition Box in 2008."

8.    Easton, PA is a really cute town. This month I travelled there to visit The Crayola Factory/The Crayola Experience for a birthday and graduation celebration. Preschool graduation? No. College. 5th birthday? No. 22nd! Achievements of my friend Becca! We travelled with our moms and the town Crayola was nestled in was so cute!

9.    Sometimes usually, relationships are more important than my to-do list. As school starts, it is easy to get caught up in what I need to get done. Tasks, papers, reading, studying, cleaning, etc. My planner is much fuller than it was in the summer. But as school begins, I have also experienced a new set of roommates coming to live with me as well as one roommate who stayed. Fall also means lots of sorority events and meetings. I often let my list of tasks to accomplish get in the way of letting myself enjoy social relationships. Yes, there are school and work deadlines, but there is always time for people. Sometimes it’s even the five-minute conversations that mean the most. Make time for people- they matter.
What's the greatest lesson you've learned lately?

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